Wednesday, January 7, 2015


7 days into the new year, and I think things are going pretty well!

I’m not doing everything I want to be doing every day, but I’ve done everything in little increments, which is what I expected for just starting off. I’ve gotten back to eating healthy and even did some meal prep for my lazier days. I learned to play a really slow version of happy birthday on my Uke (which is named Effie, btw. Can you guess what it’s made of?), I wrote an editorial for work that I’m pretty proud of (not sure when it will record and air), and I even worked out a bit. Flossing is dumb, but I’m doing that too.

I’m also tired as fuck and I would love to shove Soba noodles drenched in shrimp sauce in my mouth, but that would require leaving the house. Gonna beat this temptation by being lazy. Yeah.

from Tumblr


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